Annie Murray


Graduate Architect - PNG

Bachelor of Architecture (Unitech, Lae, PNG)

Annie completed her bachelor’s in architecture studies in 2020 and has been given the opportunity to flex her design flare in our office. She has been working on a commercial project under the guidance of our Project Architect.

She has a desire and determination to develop her architectural flare and hone the skills necessary to becoming a registered architect in the future.

Annie is part of the design team in ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd office based in Port Moresby.


建筑设计师 - 巴布亚新几内亚办公室

Bachelor of Architecture (Unitech, Lae, PNG)

Annie于 2020 年完成了她的建筑学学士学位,并有机会在我们的办公室展示她的设计技能。 她一直在我们的项目建筑师的指导下从事商业项目。


Annie 是位于莫尔兹比港的 ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd 办公室设计团队的一员。
