Architectural Draftsperson..制图员
ProDesigners Architects Ltd
Design & Architecture..设计和建筑
Full Time..全职
Job description..职位描述
The successful candidate must be familiar with a similar role and be able to demonstrate the following: ..成功的候选人必须熟悉类似的角色并能够证明以下内容:
A suitable qualification as a Draftsperson, ..作为绘图员的适当资格,
A passion for the industry and the ability to produce excellent documentation, ..对行业的热情和制作优秀图纸的能力,
Experience in Revit, Excel, Word and AutoCad ..熟悉 Revit、Excel、Word 和 AutoCAD
Strong practical knowledge of detailing, ..有很强的细节实践知识,
Good presentation, ..很好的介绍,
A keen sense of design, ..敏锐的设计感,
Be able to deliver projects in a timely manner, ..能够及时交付项目,
Excellent communication skills..高超的交流技巧
If this sounds like you, please apply by sending your C.V. and cover letter to and