....Fairfax Harbour Design Ideas Competition..Fairfax海湾设计概念竞赛....
....Fairfax Harbour Design Ideas Competition..Fairfax海湾设计概念竞赛....
....Fairfax Harbour Design Ideas Competition..Fairfax海湾设计概念竞赛....
....Fairfax Harbour Design Ideas Competition..Fairfax海湾设计概念竞赛........Present and future needs of urban housing, due to the high rate of population growth, is putting high pressure on traditional villages and seafront industrial activities. This is threatening the beauty of the natural landscape.The challenge, URBANIZING IN GLOBAL WORLD, is to keep the "genius loci", the soul of the site, therefore preventing unrecognisable suburbs that could be anywhere else in the world.Shown here is one of the three ideas submitted, which proposes to make Faixfax Harbour a place where traditional and modern cities, societies, and economies meet. The proposal maximises the existing landscape, cultural and environmental heritage, and requires minimal resource consumption. How to do more with less, and still achieve the urban pacific lifestyle...面对现代和未来的发展的需求,人口 高速增长的压力,当地传统的居住村 庄和渔业活动急需改变。但是也不能 威胁到当地美好的自然环境。面对全 球化的挑战,关键是要保持“原生 态”,这是设计的灵魂。阻止无序的 城镇化蔓延,是全球设计界的难题。综上所述,我们的设计是把传统和现 代城市,社会和经济结合。设计最大 化的保留了现存的景观,文化和环境 遗迹,最小化的投入建设资源。取得 事半功倍的效果,建立现代化的太平 洋生活模式。....
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