....Ministry of Finance Building..财政部大楼....
....Ministry of Finance Building..财政部大楼....
....Ministry of Finance Building..财政部大楼....
....Ministry of Finance Building..财政部大楼........The Ministry of Finance commissioned Islands Architecture for a design and documentation of Ministry of Finance building. It was a three storey building in the centre of Honiara City along Mendana Avenue, and an impressive civic building with expressed vertical columns designed to accommodate the harsh climatic conditions of the island...当地财政部委托本公司为新的财政部大楼进行设计和报批。这座三层建筑位于霍尼拉市中心的门达尼亚大街。本公司不但进行了建筑设计,还设计了特殊的柱结构,来适应当地严苛的自然条件。....
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