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Mosese Druavesi


Architect - Fiji

Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) Unitec Insitute of Technology, Auckland (2007)

Mosese has a passion for his profession, specifically with respect to seeing clients well served through his architectural skills and expertise. Mosese is to date the Principal Lecturer at Fiji National University, and he also holds a supportive and advisory role with the DBGA (Director of Buildings and Government Architect) in Fiji. Prior to this, Mosese worked as a principal Architect for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

His work to date includes liaising with stakeholders, preparing briefs, and producing designs for a wide variety of projects. He has experience producing tender documentation and contract administration, and with commissioning consultants and contractors.


建筑师 - 斐济办公室

Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) Unitec Insitute of Technology, Auckland (2007)


