....Western Union Shopping Mall..西联购物中心,汤加....
....Western Union Shopping Mall..西联购物中心,汤加....
....Western Union Shopping Mall..西联购物中心,汤加....
....Western Union Shopping Mall..西联购物中心,汤加........The Western Union Mall and Office Complex building features prominently in the heart of the Nuku’alofa city centre and is set on a beautifully landscaped courtyard. The double-storeyed multi-use complex has nine retail shops, offices and an up-market café which attracts the tourists. It was built by Fletcher Construction South Pacific, and completed in 2002. The total floor area is 1,300m²...西联购物办公综合体坐落于汤加努库阿洛法市区中心,周边景观非常优美。这座两层多功能综合体有9间零售店和办公室,超市的楼上还有壹个美食中心来吸引客人。由Fletcher南太平洋建筑公司建设,2002年完工,总面积1300平米。....
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