Amelia James
Project Architect - PNG
Bachelor of Architecture (Unitech, Lae, PNG)
MRegistered Architect #222 - PNG
Member - PNGIA
Amelia has had over 13 years of experience since completion of her bachelor’s degree in architecture from Unitech, Lae. She has worked in various reputable architectural firms during which she has honed her flare and skills in design & documentation. She is capable and reliably experienced to take on projects from concept to full documentation.
Amelia has the flexibility to drive both AutoCAD & Revit programs and as such makes her a vital part of the design & technical team working on various projects in ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd office based in Port Moresby.
项目建筑师 - 巴布亚新几内亚办公室
Bachelor of Architecture (Unitech, Lae, PNG)
MRegistered Architect #222 - PNG
Member - PNGIA
Amelia 在莱城 Unitech 完成建筑学学士学位后,已经拥有超过 13 年的经验。 她曾在多家知名建筑公司工作,在此期间她磨练了自己的设计和制图技能。 她有能力和可靠的经验来承担从概念到施工的完整项目过程。
Amelia 可以灵活地驱动 AutoCAD 和 Revit 程序,因此她是设计和技术团队的重要组成部分,在位于莫尔兹比港的 ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd 办事处从事各种项目。