Ila D. Karo


Architectural Technician - PNG

Ila has a high school certificate and has gained his computer drafting experience both for architectural and civil engineering projects through sheer hard work and determination to learn over the years. He has worked on infrastructure projects ranging from residential to commercial and to industrial, and has honed and developed an eye for technical detailing and is highly motivated self-starter.

He is well versed in AutoCAD, Revit and Magnet office 2.1 civil softwares.

Ila is a key part of the technical team working on various projects in ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd office based in Port Moresby.


建筑制图师 - 巴布亚新几内亚办公室

Ila 拥有高中文凭,并通过多年来的辛勤工作和学习的决心,获得了建筑和土木工程项目的计算机绘图经验。 他曾参与过从住宅到商业和工业的基础设施项目,并且磨练和发展了对技术细节的洞察力,并且积极主动地自我驱动。

他精通AutoCAD、Revit和Magnet office 2.1 civil软件。

Ila 是位于莫尔兹比港的 ProDesigners Architects (PNG) Ltd 办事处的技术团队的关键成员,从事各种项目。
